
"ORBIT_INNOVA" Solutions for the Circular Economy.
ORBIT_INNOVA supports with Industrial Design, Research & Development startups and established commercial brands that want to improve their sustainable footprint with better designs, products and processes. Increasing value, maintaining costs and decreasing impact to the environment.

In 2023, the studio will include areas of health and healing, including thermal baths, pools, rock-pools and spas.

Site 01_Iceland,

Iceland Beer Spa Brief 


Site 02_ Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia

Reference to other spa sites in Victoria, Australia LINK

Site 03_Italy

The property is public, even though it has been abandoned for many years. Two years ago a group of entrepreneurs wanted to buy it to create a "health citadel" but everything fell through due to environmentalists who blocked (good example for stakeholder circle).The place is magnificent and was the place for priests to recover from tuberculosis (the property used to be owned by Stato Vaticano). Arco (the small town) was famous for the tuberculosis cure, and there were a lot of building dedicated to this activities.
There are books that talk about the history of the building. Dwg of the site should be available.Great from the heritage point of view and stakeholders too.

Site 04_Acqua Therme,  Piemonte

Sites 05-07_ Australia
  • Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia.
  • Merewether Baths, Newcastle, Australia.
  • Brighton, Melbourne Australia.

Project themes have changed over the years the underlying principle is the “integrated project delivery" including aspects of VISION, Economic Appraisal, and Sustainable Integrated Design for Life-cycle. as One-stop solution for Circular Design and Heritage. In 2019 themes have included:
  • Textile-waste into Fashion and textiles products
  • Construction-waste into Architectural, furniture and building products 
  • E-waste in smart buildings and appliances
(Three serious global pollutants)

For our 2020 studio we will add three areas of business application including:
  • Eco-Tourism
  • Food production  
  • Arts and Creative Industries 
The aim of ORBIT_INNOVA is to convert "waste" into raw materials ready for utilisation in the manufacturing of high-end commercial products such as fashion and clothing, building materials, furniture and finishes such as tiles and carpets. 

Integrated manufacturing with values of circularity is the evolution of the recycling movement of the 90’s, and the green economy of 2000’s - circularity combines both elements and can be applied within industry sectors or across taking a diverse pool of supply chains. For example, the use of plastic bottles to create raw material to make sunbeds or sport shoes. As a difference with recycling, the circular process aims to integrate recycling right from the drawing board embedding circularity ethos throughout the complete product life-cycle.

Orbit_Innova products are designed to be dismantled ie. put a part at the end of their utilitarian life and returned to the original factory to be recycled 100%. Our clients are large manufacturing organisations who want to improve their processes, so they save money as they profit from the recycling processes and full supply chain integration.

Orbit-Innova is looking to establish itself and grow in order to make a tangible impact. In this site you will be able to visit various insightful projects which demonstrate the quality of our work and provide snippets of our potential. 

The report proposal (also referred as Expressions of Interest or EOI) it to respond to the following elements:
  • Space needs requirements (aligning Vision and objectives),
  • Location which involves HERITAGE sites - integral to our values of circularity - in which heritage  sites and structures (including old/abandoned buildings) could be fully or partially reutilised,
  • Search for stakeholders including potential sponsors as business partners, financiers and donors (organisation chart and stakeholder circle) is hypothetical but demonstrate an effort to bring tangible value-propositions to anyone involved in Orbit-Innova,
  • Intellectual pool and liveability so the location has the potential to be highly attractive as to improve the local community (population demographics and future growth projection),
  • Workspace solutions. Based on a design strategy for office, industrial and research labs (laboratories). They will need to provide design examples and strategies rather than detailed architectural project/plans. Sketches, collages and renders which could communicate the “workspace environment” will be highly beneficial (schematic designs, drawings, renders and sketches),
The wider aspect of liveability will have to be placed in the framework of the E&Y report including the following 6 elements (alternatively you could consider the planning method/framework provided by Dahl during their guest lecture on October 9th, 2020):
  1. Affordability
  2. Agility
  3. Amenity
  4. Safety
  5. Space
  6. Opportunity
The overall aim will be to provide a strategic response within, but not constrained, to the project scale set above. Building project budget is expected to be in the range of 30% to 50% of the initial company capital cost. Proposals do not need to calculate the project cost but to provide a cost ratio such as Euros per square meter (m2) and percentage (%) breakdown across various building elements such as office space, labs, fabrication, communal areas, greenery. 

Projects are evaluated on their strategic and holistic merits rather than proficiency on particulars aspect or sections of the report. In other words, the capacity of teams to integrate their response on the above points. Refer to reviews during class (all of the have been recorded and here available) for comment on ways to present and develop a coherent visual/verbal narrative in your report e.g. executive summary as you introduce your project. table of content, introduce your team, vision, site, business case and so forth . Remember to close your report with a convincing conclusion on the added value of your proposal.

Prof. Guillermo Aranda-Mena 
(updated September 2020)